Sunday 14 June 2009

BLOG 4 Pressure Points!

What a week it's been !!! Up to my eyebrows with my other job with constant hassles that seemed to go on and on and on and........ON! Don't get me wrong I love my other job because in a little way I actually get to change the world...don't laugh it's true! Every time I get a good result it makes it all worth while.Every time I see the relief on someones face as I sit and go through the problem they have it makes it all worth while. So why then has this week been such a hassle if I've spent most of it doing exactly what makes it worthwhile for me?
I think it was that it's been a constant bombardment of problems and no matter what I did they kept on coming. Add to that a huge great row that reminded me of how 14 year old girls behave in a playground and some harsh criticism of me personally and that just about did it. The shrew involved was very lucky I didn't end up with 9 out of 10 gross misconduct charges shoved up her nose..... But I must admit I do admire and adore my work mates who shot back a volley of back insults when i was criticised. You know who you are and anytime you need me I am there for you!
This week was my first time in court as a Health & Safety Rep- that was an eye opener.I was SO tempted to say 'so help me God' as I swore my religious oath. We had been warned though that it was not like Hollywood lol!
Old mate turned up dressed like a girlie complete with earrings and stunned me into silence when she applied LIP GLOSS! I couldn't take my eyes off her applying it......never in a million years came into my head but she couldn't keep this new persona long she gave it away by constantly forgetting she had a handbag with her.
'Daisy here's your bag' I called and she would look blankly at me then twitch and remember it was hers. Bless her...she scrubbed up nicely the paid job should be proud of her...... if they had any sense.
So did you know that Barristers are about 16yrs old now? Like policemen they train straight out of nursery school. so they can play at being important....Ours was crap...shame I can't give details but crap sums it up with out getting too picky!
So for tomorrow just to finish my pressure cooker situation nicely, I thought I would cram as many meetings as possible into one day and not allow for any breaks for toilet coffee or food....
So on that note and thought Goodnight!

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