Sunday 24 May 2009

What's love got to do with it?

I went to wedding in Cornwall this weekend. It was outside and metres away from a beautiful beach. The bride looked fabulous wearing green flowing silks and chiffon and was escorted and 'given away' by her equally gorgeous teenage sons. They all looked so happy after being put through a whole load of crap over the last couple of years by the EX. A b*****d if ever there was one...

How someone who could profess to love their children could see them go short financially, struggle to pay for food and rent and cause such terrible distress . for the sake of a completely boring affair. Sneaking around in some mid life crisis (I blame the gym!) he went there and fell in love- with himself in the mirror! Suddenly he was Gods gift and far too important and great for his wife and kids. He completely messed up their lives and it is wonderful to see them all back on track enjoying life and love despite him.

You would think that would put most people off of marraige for a lifetime -let alone a a few months since the Divorce, yet, my dear friend was willing to give her heart and life again, because of LOVE

I wouldn't say she is an eternal romantic but she is an eternal optomist! She trusts and forgives and tries so hard to make things work. This time she has found a real gem in her new man. He obviously adores her and THAT is why she is wiling to do it all again.

So how do you soften up a heart that has become hardened by pain and betrayal? How do you get to that place where you fall in love and allow someone to get that close again?
I've no idea!
Maybe excess vodka consumption and a blindfold?

The poets and painters past, bared their hearts exploring love -with pallets of colours and scrolls of emotive words ....Surely in seeking love we are really seeking the deepest friendship in a soul mate? One of the simplest poems about love and friendship springs to mind-

Love Poem by my dog - John Hegley

I saw you in the park
and I wanted to be your friend,
So I tunneled my snout
up your non barking end.

I wish you years of life dear friend
I wish you life with love.
That when you lay your head at night
your love is never done.

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