Monday 9 November 2009


I attended a Diversity and Equalities Forum Weekend recently and at the end of the saturday session the homework we were given was to think about who our hero was.
It was really thought provoking and I mulled it over in my head most of the evening. I asked a few people at dinner who they would choose as heroes. Some of them hadn't been awake when the homework was set and promptly got excited or silent or both depending on how much wine they were drinking (I only had ONE large glass so still knew where we were and what day it was!) The lady sitting opposite me I shall call her Babette (only because I don't know what her real name is and she needs a silly name) told me her hero was.....MARGRET THATCHER.
If you love the afore mentioned read no more because I do not!
Babette said she admred her so much., that she was wonderful, that she stood up to people but what she most liked her for was the immortal words that came from the great Thatchers lips-
" This Lady is not for turning"
I am still stunned. Like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car I sat in silence with my mouth open. Taking into account we were at a UNION function and that a Conservative leader does bugger all for unions in general I was impressed by her intention to actually SAY SO OUT LOUD!
Well me being me, I started with pointing out that I admired Mrs Thatcher for be so hard and never backing down which is unusual for a woman I abolutely detested her politics.
Babette thought she led the country well through a war.....which shall remain nameless.
I pointed out that I held her and her government responsible for the deaths of so many because they had cut back on funds for patrol ships.....
Of course I said far more but it was a bot like a Beatle and a Stones fan or David Cassidy and The Osmonds batling it out. I felt like I was RED and she was a pretty shade of pink.
It's so weird how some of us see the world through rose coloured glasses and make excuses for the nasty bits.
ANYWAY...during the night which was actually 48hrs long or felt like that 'cause I couldn't sleep
I got up and wrote the following-

Thinking about who my hero would be i realise that it is not any one man or woman. There came a time in my life when I became aware that all was not right with the world.
I learned from Jean Jacques Rousseau that 'man is born free yet everywhere he is in chains'
I learned from maya Angelou that it is possible to be gracious and forgiving and tolerant in the face of adversity and great hardship.
And I learned from an old friend Dennis Birch who died a few years ago a great piece of advice when he told me-
'I keep holding out the hand of friendship and it's up to the person if they want to take it'
Who would have thought that in my lifetime I would see the Berlin wall come down.the Twin Towers raised to the ground and the self sacrificing act of the rescue workers AND a black President in The Whitehouse in one of the more prejudiced countries in the world.
So my heroes are the ordinary men and women who become EXTRA ordinary, bringing about changes and working tirelessly for the future, to change the things that are wrong.

After I read that out I was amazed to receive a round of applause. I guess sometimes whats in our hearts is also in other peoples too.
So the tutor carried on around the room asking for each persons hero.
We had lots of the obvious heroes-Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandelo, Dads, Grandparents, Banana Man. Babette bottled out and substituted Thatcher for Martin Luther King! and some people told us about their heroes that were not famous globally, only in the countries they lived. That made me think!
So who is your hero?

Wednesday 4 November 2009

November ramble

It's already November! I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by and here we are nearly at the end of it. I must admit to be glad to see the back of it . This has been a particularly hard year with Hubby in intensive care and our dear little dog dying and I have suffered the death of a loved one in all but body.
Dare I say that the C word is just a few weeks away....
It's going to be an odd Christmas for me because I will be celebrating it minus the tiny plastic fairy that has sat on the top of our tree for many years. It's not lost or broken it is still packed away in the attic with all of the other twinkly bits,quite safe waiting to be sent off.
That crappy, liittle thing has always been a big part of our decorations. The tree has changed many times- real to artifical, snow sprayed to pine coned then back to real. The tinsel and the baubles from green and gold to red and gold, settling on blue and silver for many years till finally reaching the perfection of bronze, gold and orange. It matches the colour of the lounge these days instead of clashing nastily lol!.
So why am I replacing it? Is it to replace it with some fabulous less shoddy angel? No it's not. I have no idea what will adorn the top of the tree this year but I know for certain that it won't be my little plastic friend because she holds too many memories that were wonderful treasures that were stored in my heart. She was bought from somewhere long forgotten, many years ago, as a keep sake for someone I loved. I have always looked at her sitting (usually crooked) way up against the ceiling and thought of all those special years that have passed in our lives.
A little bit like a mile stone, she signified growth and the passing of time and I could never have imagined her thrown out to be replaced by something more grand. sadly the loved one concerned threw me out earlier this year. It broke my heart so literally that I cry every time I speak of it. Wrapping up those pieces into anger I waded through the summer months and eventualy felt a calm sadness that encoraged me to write to that loved one. I would like to say that it all worked out and all is well and my heart is well and truly glued back together but it's not. Instead of reconcilliation I was well and truly thrown out. I am apparently so awful to be around I would need a total personality transplant to be acceptable. If you can imagine inside of you what would be the worst and cruelest things that someone you love could say to you, and that someone was one who had often caused pain and upset over the years for all the family but chose to just enlighten you and vent all their anger and depression on you alone you can understand what I feel like.It has caused so much upset especially as she kept it going playing family members against each other.
And so I am sending that little fairy that was once so precious, to the one who broke the preciousness of a mothers heart. I could never have done something so cruel to my mother but then again I guess I love her. Unconditionally.

Sunday 14 June 2009

BLOG 4 Pressure Points!

What a week it's been !!! Up to my eyebrows with my other job with constant hassles that seemed to go on and on and on and........ON! Don't get me wrong I love my other job because in a little way I actually get to change the world...don't laugh it's true! Every time I get a good result it makes it all worth while.Every time I see the relief on someones face as I sit and go through the problem they have it makes it all worth while. So why then has this week been such a hassle if I've spent most of it doing exactly what makes it worthwhile for me?
I think it was that it's been a constant bombardment of problems and no matter what I did they kept on coming. Add to that a huge great row that reminded me of how 14 year old girls behave in a playground and some harsh criticism of me personally and that just about did it. The shrew involved was very lucky I didn't end up with 9 out of 10 gross misconduct charges shoved up her nose..... But I must admit I do admire and adore my work mates who shot back a volley of back insults when i was criticised. You know who you are and anytime you need me I am there for you!
This week was my first time in court as a Health & Safety Rep- that was an eye opener.I was SO tempted to say 'so help me God' as I swore my religious oath. We had been warned though that it was not like Hollywood lol!
Old mate turned up dressed like a girlie complete with earrings and stunned me into silence when she applied LIP GLOSS! I couldn't take my eyes off her applying it......never in a million years came into my head but she couldn't keep this new persona long she gave it away by constantly forgetting she had a handbag with her.
'Daisy here's your bag' I called and she would look blankly at me then twitch and remember it was hers. Bless her...she scrubbed up nicely the paid job should be proud of her...... if they had any sense.
So did you know that Barristers are about 16yrs old now? Like policemen they train straight out of nursery school. so they can play at being important....Ours was crap...shame I can't give details but crap sums it up with out getting too picky!
So for tomorrow just to finish my pressure cooker situation nicely, I thought I would cram as many meetings as possible into one day and not allow for any breaks for toilet coffee or food....
So on that note and thought Goodnight!

Sunday 24 May 2009

What's love got to do with it?

I went to wedding in Cornwall this weekend. It was outside and metres away from a beautiful beach. The bride looked fabulous wearing green flowing silks and chiffon and was escorted and 'given away' by her equally gorgeous teenage sons. They all looked so happy after being put through a whole load of crap over the last couple of years by the EX. A b*****d if ever there was one...

How someone who could profess to love their children could see them go short financially, struggle to pay for food and rent and cause such terrible distress . for the sake of a completely boring affair. Sneaking around in some mid life crisis (I blame the gym!) he went there and fell in love- with himself in the mirror! Suddenly he was Gods gift and far too important and great for his wife and kids. He completely messed up their lives and it is wonderful to see them all back on track enjoying life and love despite him.

You would think that would put most people off of marraige for a lifetime -let alone a a few months since the Divorce, yet, my dear friend was willing to give her heart and life again, because of LOVE

I wouldn't say she is an eternal romantic but she is an eternal optomist! She trusts and forgives and tries so hard to make things work. This time she has found a real gem in her new man. He obviously adores her and THAT is why she is wiling to do it all again.

So how do you soften up a heart that has become hardened by pain and betrayal? How do you get to that place where you fall in love and allow someone to get that close again?
I've no idea!
Maybe excess vodka consumption and a blindfold?

The poets and painters past, bared their hearts exploring love -with pallets of colours and scrolls of emotive words ....Surely in seeking love we are really seeking the deepest friendship in a soul mate? One of the simplest poems about love and friendship springs to mind-

Love Poem by my dog - John Hegley

I saw you in the park
and I wanted to be your friend,
So I tunneled my snout
up your non barking end.

I wish you years of life dear friend
I wish you life with love.
That when you lay your head at night
your love is never done.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Birthday girl, super sleuth,sunsetbeachbabe and Wurstys night out.

So last night I put on my glad rags and joined a select party of girlies to celebrate Birthday girl reaching 56...well actually it was even lower than 26 but what the hell, shes still young and as far as i am concerned, fair game to torment the hell out!! Oh maybe she will read that so I should probably should delete it....BUT I did type my Blog address in wrong so technically no one will ever read anything anyway! Fortunately Beardy son rang this morning from the otherside of the planet and pointed out the Blog address was not what i told him....that's why he is a teacher i guess, proving that the saying 'THOSE WHO CAN'T.......TEACH' is wrong lol! Hubby thinks that's funny. I've told him I'm the funny one he's my straight man.
Where was I? Ah yes Birthday girls night out...well we went to the local Italian and enjoyed wine and food and desserts, converstaion about who's top looked nice,how tallest persons new shoes were difficult to walk in etc Then we unanimously laughed at the giant blue handbag that
she had brought with her. The quip that it looked like it contained the entire contents of her till drew laughter (especially as she is a BOOKIE) but not as much as when she said she only brought it as it matched her blue tights....
Leaving the Italian after 20 mins of all disputing if we had to pay VAT on top of the Bill or if it was already included (despite the fact we all work in retail and handle money all day ) we made our way past at least four pubs -quite a walk considering I live in a town that is mainly pubs every three staggers-It works Health & Safety wise as when everyone is staggering drunkenly out of one pub, just as their legs start to give out causing a slight swerve to the left or right, they are in another pub and at the bar. This stops people lying in the street and confines brawling and vomiting to the confines of pub toilets and smoking areas.
The main reason for this huge trek was because Birthday Girl had lost her mobile. It was evetually retrieved from the back seat of the car and we made our way into Cutlery -the main watering hole for 17yr olds. they sell cheap booze masquerading as good stuff in good stuff bottles...You drink it but it's a bit like the over use of botox- you marry them and 6 months later their face is 6 inches lower than it was and there's ridge so deep on their forehead it looks like they can screw the top of their head off.
Entering, I scan the bar and see that the two male members of staff that definately owe me a few vodkas for keeping their jobs are not there, so unable to collect I join the others at the bar. Unlike usual nights, a Wednesday in Cutlery means you can actually get to the bar and even get served without a. Being male b. Being blonde with your boobs out. I asked Blue legs -soon to be called Super sleuth Wursty and Birthday girl what they wanted to drink. Super sleuth joined me in a vodka ,Wursty ordered a coffee as she was driving and Birthday girl ordered a hot chocolate with swirled cream on the top...........
There is something ODD even WRONG about drinking that on your Birthday when you are under 85. Super sleuth pointed this out. Wursty leapt to Birthday girls defence so I quickly improvised by trying to push Birthday girls nose in the cream. Failing miserably we sat down on some low leather sofas and chatted about mobile phones, mainly because birthday girl was trying very hard to take her usual vile pic of me, at which she is pretty good at....The evidence is all the ones shes uploaded of me on many occassions! It takes talent to get a triple chin and drunk angle on someone who isn't drunk and doesn't have a chin to speak of.
Conversation turned to text messages and then SPYING on boyfriends by reading their texts... Dangerous ground girlies! I sounded nerdy by saying that Banksy did a poem about that- Something all romantic about his love for a girl then he wakes up and she is sat on his bed with his mobile, silently scrolling through his text messages!
Super sleuth went on to tell us of how she doesn't trust anyone so therefore it was justifyed! It was so funny but I admired her shocking honesty. I realised that she had the making of a a great Private Detective as the conversation continued as she told us she was annoyed that a friend wouldn't let her nose through her mobile texts! What has she got to hide she asked! I suggested that maybe she was going out with another mates dad or something equally scandalous -sadly I fear this has only ignited her super sleuthing and addiction of nosing at any passing mobiles in or out of pockets! She really should start her own Detective Agency!
Of course for those of us with nothing to hide she said it shouldn't be a worry........Hey isn't that what the Gov tells us when it comes to introducing ID cards????? lol

Monday 11 May 2009

Blog 1

Blimey that was easy...inspired by suited director of the company I work with for FREE I attempt blog 1!!! Lol.What to say? maybe I should have thought this through and waited to have something interesting or important to say...but then again if I waited for that Cyber Space would have filled up and taken over in true Terminator form!
All those words and pics growing legs and infiltrating net users brains...some improvements there that's for sure- but random stuff would be gone.
A friend recently told me I was the most random person she knew.....what does that mean?
True she is younger than some of my jewelery but that original? nuts? twitchy? odd?
I think she thinks I am funny but not always in a funny way...sometimes in a 'I don't understand you' way. Who can help how they are? We are supposed to be made in Gods image..some of us have hairy legs and chins (only one applies to me and it will be evident at Christmas) and some of us are .....RANDOM!

The last few weeks have been pretty RANDOM here at Surf central (only one person or maybe three will know why here is called that) I recently got back from Borneo after visiting my son and his wife and the orangutans. As they haven't gone forth and multiplied to produce one of their own I had to make do with a trip to the Rain Forest to see some of the rescued babies.
CUTE and cuddly(you're not allowed) I can see why they are illegally taken as pets. After a trip to a reserve (zoo like place) I can see why they shouldn't be ! Marsha was a sulky teenager who swung around till everyone clapped a clever parrot that one of the keepers was interacting with. She remained in the background high on a rope that stretched into a forest area. She refused to come closer and get a treat etc but changed her mind and grabbed the parrot by a wing and swung in at the floor. blue feathers scattered and keepers yelled, kids screamed,my son said 'mum get nearer so I can get a photo of you and Marsha'......he loves me really...I think!
She then proceeded to stay high enough so that no one could get to her improvising and tying three vertical ropes together to make a very high swing on which she sat- enjoying the view of keepers running around in vain!
Later we saw Marsha sat next to her keeper on the back of a golf buggy, nonchalantly being driven back to her apartment. She looked every inch the DIVA and obviously gets away with murder cause they love her...poor parrot will never be the same.
More on Borneo another time....

5 Days later I was in Blackpool home of sun and sea and surfer dudes..
Well any other beachside town would be but not Blackpool. I don't know why. Maybe it doesn't have SURF or DUDES. Ionloy saw the sea once and that was 2 years ago from the top of the big wheel thingy. That is the only bit of Blackpool I've seen because I actually fall into the category of 'hungry for debate' consequently I have seen bugger all of the place! Oh and once I went into one of those arcades where the two FEMALE delegates dragging me insisted on playing automated BINGO. This was a sad night for me as it was there that I found out that 1. It was exactly what I always imagined but without sequined blondes with curlers in. 2.I couldn't syncronise listening to numbers and pressing the same number on my screen. Sad days...The humiliation of someone else who has a zillion cards on their screen helping me to see where number 9 was on my one card will be etched in my memory forever...
It's not all cooked ...letting someone cough into the back of your neck for 3 hours in Conference or constantly fart in the seat in front of you when you change chairs for the afternoon session (I know it was you Mrs Pepper Pot!!) Some of us are there to stop others from BANNING BONFIRES!!!!!! WHY? ..and again WHY? Why would anyone want me to stop having the odd Beach bonfire party drinking with mates, guitars, skinny dipping, toasting marshmallows- letting them run like molten lava down your lip and feeling that satisfying sting as the skin disolves........ok that was from a US Teen soap (apart from the marshmallows) I just have the odd burn of hedge clippings down the bottom of my garden, on a dark summer or autumn night! A mug of coffee, the smoke,the stars, the cold, it's LOVELY!!

Anyway that is what I did at Conference and I am proud of it..even if I didn't get up to the microphone incase they thought I was random or nuts for only saying 'But I like them!'
I led the cheers when it was lost.....